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About Pastor Matt Grossman

Pastor Matt is the founding pastor of Rebuilt Ruins Ministries. Based in San Diego, California, he is a faithful husband, loving father, and passionate revivalist.


Ministry and Anointing

He carries a gentle yet powerful anointing that connects people to the Father's heart through deep, intimate, life-changing encounters with Jesus Christ. His heart and passion are to bring God glory by answering the call of Jesus found in Matthew 10:18. He is also dedicated to raising up a new generation of revivalists.


Signs, miracles, and wonders regularly follow him due to his pursuit of intimacy with the Father. With a heart to see people saved, healed, and delivered, God has faithfully backed up Rebuilt Ruins Minsitries with power and fruit, ushering in God’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Spiritual Gifts

Pastor Matt is highly attuned to the Holy Spirit, which enables him to deliver accurate and encouraging prophetic words, dream interpretations, and revelatory insights. He also regularly operates in the gifts of healing, faith, and discerning of spirits.


Ordination and Credentials

Pastor Matt is an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ through The Missionary Church International (TMCI), the organization that holds Rebuilt Ruins Ministries' official charter. He is also a graduate of Bob Larson's International School of Exorcism, Advanced Academy of Deliverance, College of Apologetics and Demonology, and is currently enrolled in the Institute of Supernatural Studies. With countless hours of research and hundreds of exorcisms performed, including corporate and one-on-one sessions, Pastor Matt brings a wealth of experience to Rebuilt Ruins Ministries.

Personal Journey

Pastor Matt’s journey to faith began after a radical supernatural encounter He had with God in His early 30s. This profound experience ignited his passion for ministry and his commitment to helping others encounter God's transformative love.


Vision and Goals

Pastor Matt envisions Rebuilt Ruins Ministries expanding its reach to bring healing and deliverance to even more people. He is believing to open a Wellness Center one day where Rebuilt Ruins Ministries can grow into a larger operation and continue to pursue the calling and purpose God has ordained this ministry to do.


Personal Life

When not seeking God through Bible study and worship or ministering, Pastor Matt cherishes time with his wife, daughter, family and friends. He enjoys camping, gardening, fishing, hiking, playing basketball, and creative writing.


Community Involvement

Pastor Matt actively engages Rebuilt Ruins Ministries with his local community through multiple different facets. He believes in the importance of giving back and building strong community ties. To view more information regarding community involvement

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If you would like to read some testimonials from real life people who have experienced ministry by Pastor Matt Click HERE.


Mantle of Praise Consulting Co.

Pastor Matt also founded and runs Mantle of Praise Consulting where he serves clients with Godly wisdom and practical business experience gained over 20 years in significant positions in secular companies. He helps companies and ministries grow and maintain brand awareness and business development.


Learn more about Mantle of Praise Consulting Co. HERE

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